Thursday, October 9, 2008

Here's your stinkin blog

So apparently I am already no good at this blog thing. F-ing A...but here is what my life has been like so far this week. Student teaching has been going quite well. too bad my love life is in the perverbial crapper. but you know what...screw it. I've decided I am merely going to repress any emotions I have within the next 20 years that related to anything other than humor and just wait until about 40 years down the road when I can have a complete psychotic breakdown but by that time who will give a crap. I will be 62, old, wrinkled, with many there life. suck it. I am going to out psych you and win that battle. if that doesn't work, I could start that debilitating drug habbit ive always wanted to try. ;) I hear meth can be made from like 100000 differnt products. now THATS versatility. OHHHH here's some fun stuff. I have a girl in my class...we will call her DUMBO. I swear she has her own radio in her head. She will be sitting there listening to a lesson and then all of a sudden she will SLAM her arms down on her desk and start bopping and swaying to some unheard music like a teenybopper on crack. Did I also mention this same girl sits with her legs COMPLETELY spread open all day long no matter what attire darns her lower half!?! oh yeah thats just DANDY. So as she bopping to her music in her head she then turns around to me and says and I quote "I have a monkey blanket!" and this is not said in a normal voice no no. It's said liek a crazy person who is on a lot of dope who is picturing dancing elephants dressed in pink tutu's in their mind. Later that SAME day...she decided it would be fun to crab walk in the middle of silent reading time. best part was...she crab walked...RIGHT INTO THE BOOKSHELF!! hahahahahahahahahaha im a douche but damn was it funny. She then looks at me and says wow...I didnt think that would happen. HA!

btw...did I mention this 10 year old weighs about 180lbs? oh snap

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